We see sport as a mechanism for promoting health and wellness!  

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"If you can accomplish a run, it gives you power. It gives you energy. It gives you motivation to go after things in life"

- former Olympian Silvia Ruegger, who competed in the 1984 Los Angeles games in the marathon

Family Activities                                 


 Family Interview Activity:


Encourage your child to interview family members, teachers or other adults and ask:



1.     How important has exercise been in your life? Why?


2.     Do you still exercise? If so, what kinds of exercise do you engage in now?


3.     What kinds of obstacles to exercising do you encounter? How do you deal with the obstacles?


4.     What would you do differently in the area of physical fitness if you life to live over?




Applying Health Skills in Your Home:


Analyze factors that influence your eating patterns. Make a chart showing the food purchased in one grocery shopping trip. Indicate whether foods were selected for reasons of cost, convenience, culture or any other factor. Analyze the chart, and determine which factors represented the greatest influence on your family’s food choices. Share your findings with your family, discussing the impact these choices make on nutritional value of your meals.


Remember: Nutrition is the most important non-athletic performance factor and is the cornerstone of a proper athletic plan





Family Exercise Plan:



Observe members of your household for several days, taking note of physical activities done by each member that provide – or fail to provide- some fitness benefit. Afterward, conduct a roundtable discussion with interested family members, sharing suggestions for improvement where needed. Work together to set up a regular plan of family fitness and exercise.


Write down your goals in a health journal!

A goal is something you aim for that takes planning and work. Make your goals your goals, not someone else's. If you do not accomplish your goal the first time, try again. Although your goals should be realistic, do not be afraid to dream.

Children's Activity Idea: Make your journal look unique and bright: draw on it, splinkle glitter over it, cover it in stickers!


Journal activities

a) What goals have you accomplished that contributed to your self-esteem or made you feel good?

b) Keep track of the physical activities you engage in and show how you feel after by drawing a smiley or frowing face beside the activity.

c) Keep note of the food you eat for a week. (Tip: parents if your child is younger get them to draw a picture of their favourite foods in their journal, ask them what they like most about those foods)    



The Environmentally Friendly Family:


Check the lables of laundry and household products being used in your home. Note any that

contain chlorine or phosphates. Share your findings with family members, noting any

dangers that exist. Make recommendations that will remedy the problem.




Observe and keep track of your rubbish at home for a week. Then talk to your parents

about coming up with a family waste reduction program. Identify items thrown away

that could be recycled, such as glass jars or plastic bottles. Develop a plan whereby

each family member takes a responsibility for one kind of material to recycle.



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