We see sport as a mechanism for promoting health and wellness!  

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Sport 4 Change     



Dear fellow health and sports enthusiasts,  




I am a recent university graduate who is responding to the burgeoning crisis in youth wellness by establishing a health various promotion schemes. I am also a member of Cancer Research UK's Open Ventures Challenge Team. The challenge is a 'venturing' competition that encourages individuals from the external innovation community to come up with new fundraising ventures worth millions p.a. Across the course of the challenge, teams will be asked to submit ideas and form teams around them via offline and online events.

To take a look at some ideas already submitted or to submit your own ideas please visit the following website to register 


It will be my team's aim to promote family fun runs, kid's triathlons and after- school running programs to local schools and communities across the UK. These schemes have proved to be popular and successful in the US and Canada as a means of developing an on-going youth fitness program which teaches children that running/exercise is part of a lifestyle, not just an event. 


If your school or class would like to take part in this initiative and would like to know how to get started or you are an educator who is passionate about fitness and children's health please get in touch and show your support! 


E-mail me:


If you are interested in taking part please visit the Tool Kit link for simple high impact ideas to help promote health in your community. Please follow the SIGN UP link to become a registered participant.



 Our Mission is to help young people develop a love for everyday habits which include physical exercise and healthy eating. We strive to work in partnership with community based sports clubs and other wellness focused organisations to promote health education among children and families. 



Our Key Goals:

  • To encourage children to set goals and reflect on their healthy habits
  • To help children achieve higher levels of health and self esteem through interactive games and education
  • To enrich the lives of young people by encouraging them to become valuable contributors within their schools and communities.


Children are the future and if we can give them the tools they need now to succeed, there is no reason why they can’t succeed later in life with the confidence and belief that they too can achieve their goals!





Julia O’Brien